What types of recruitment services are included?

For every business, human resources play a very important role due to its great effect on the development of each business; however, in the current context of the fiercely competitive human resource supply market, recruitment is challenging. Therefore, many businesses choose to use recruitment services as a comprehensive solution to reach efficient recruitment.

To learn more about human resource recruitment services, please refer to the information in the article below.

What is HR recruitment service?

This is a type of service provided by recruitment service agencies to assist businesses to take responsibilities for recruitment. These agencies are the 3rd unit specializing in approaching the most suitable candidates based on the requirements of the business.

Normally, businesses look for the assistance of human resource recruitment services when they have an urgent need of mass recruitment or senior recruitment or recruitment in the context of business expansion and start-up businesses.

What types of recruitment services are included?

Recruitment services will include the following forms:

- Senior recruitment service: It refers to employing candidates for senior management positions, such as director, department head, CEO, general director, etc. These vacancies require candidates to have professional qualifications and experience, so it is difficult to recruit the potential applicants, but with senior recruitment service, businesses will have access to a source of qualified candidates that are suitable for the requirements and corporate culture. Moreover, the recruitment information of the enterprise will be absolutely confidential and it is guaranteed not to be robbed of potential candidates by competitors.
- Recruitment assistant service: It refers to agencies that provide assistants who take responsibility for consulting and recruiting for businesses. Recruitment assistants will undertake the recruitment for a specific business and they are not under the management of the business but under the recruitment agencies. Recruitment assistants are experienced, knowledgeable, and professional with wide relationships in the field of recruitment.
- Post job ads, find candidate profiles: In order for job seekers to approach recruitment information, it requires businesses post information on websites of recruitment service companies. Businesses can choose to post jobs for free or post job ads for a fee to access a source of quality candidate data quickly and effectively. In addition, businesses can also access the available candidate data of service providers to find suitable candidate profiles.
- Recruitment software support: Recruitment software is considered a solution for headhunters to reach and manage the interview process and candidate data. Companies providing recruitment services will have software for businesses to choose to use.

How to choose the right recruitment service for businesses

To choose the suitable recruitment service, businesses should follow these 4 hierarchical steps:

  • Determine requirements of recruitment in terms of the number of candidates, vacancies, full-time or temporary workers, employees or managers.
  • Select a recruitment service provider after clearly identifying recruitment needs
  • Recruitment budget, which is best to have a survey about the base prices of recruitment service providers that are within the expected cost.
  • Check with recruitment service providers about professional skills, credibility and assurance.

Hopefully, this article provides businesses a comprehensive understanding of human resource recruitment services. If businesses have any questions, please contact the hotline for more detailed advice.