Solution for recruitment issue
Each business has its own characteristics in terms of financial capacity, the field of industry, quality requirements, etc. in the recruitment period, as a result, there will not be a single answer for all businesses. If businesses are having trouble with recruitment, please refer to this article.
Equip with professional recruitment management technology
Professional recruitment management technology is programmed and integrated with all the necessary features to deploy the recruitment process quickly and efficiently. This software can benefits in many following aspects:
- Candidates actively enter information according to the data and ensure 100% accuracy.
- Online records are sent to the enterprise and automatically stored immediately according to each available data item for later screening.
- Enterprises arrange an employee to undertake the screening of resumes with just a few clicks based on available criteria, which do not affect the quality of the profile.
- Conduct interviews with hundreds of candidates with just one time composing an email and sending it out simultaneously through the technology and it secures candidates' email.
- Announce the admission results to each member
Build quality job descriptions
The job description is essential during the recruitment process because it is the first basis for candidates to automatically assess their ability whether it is suitable for the job.
However, the job description should not be too detailed or complicated, which can be hard to attract candidates. If it is too sketchy, the successful recruitment rate will be low, leading to both effort wasting in screening and omission of good records.
Proactively identify candidate sources for each vacancy
Businesses should not only recruit in case of the demand. In fact, ideally, the task of identifying qualified candidates for each vacancy should be done at least once a year to keep up with the trends and fluctuations of the human resources market.
Benefits for businesses such as:
- Save time to find the right candidate and approach the best source of candidates
- Closely monitor the situation of human resources and the organization
- Possess a data source about passive candidates and good access to candidates.
- Quickly respond to recruitment needs in the case of demand
Build employer brand
The result of an employer brand development is that the candidate actively monitors, searches for recruitment information and applies for the job. In addition, businesses should take measures to enhance employer brand through these ways:
- Propagating business culture of enterprises on official websites, forums, specialized newspapers,...
- Share information and articles of employees' working condition on the website
- Join industry forums to share information and articles about businesses to increase brand recognition
- Upload pictures of charity activities, social work, tourism, ... businesses have done.
Businesses should develop the employer brand owing to the demand of employees about business's information through the official website or forum, etc before applying. Therefore, the IT department and the recruitment department should pay attention to this to attract potential candidates.
Above is the information that Farovietnam wants to share with businesses. Hopefully, the experience of our leading hr recruitment consultants has helped all organizations and businesses to overcome this dilemma. If businesses are in need of recruitment, human resource consulting and solutions, please contact the hotline.

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